
This document will guide you through the setup that is necessary to develop applications using Jadex-Android.

Please report any difficulties or errors in this document as well as in the provided jadex-android libraries.


  • Java JDK, tested with JDK 7. On Linux, look for packages from your distributor. On Windows, get the JDK from Oracle.
  • Android Studio (currently tested with 2.1.1) from here (Be sure to download Android Studio, not only the SDK)
  • Android SDK (usually included in Android Studio)
  • Latest Jadex Android distribution (release or nightly) from the downloads page

Note for 64-bit Ubuntu installations:

If you have a 64bit ubuntu distributions, install the following packages first:
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1

Install Android Studio

First, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to your JDK (This may be done automatically).

To install Android Studio, just extract it and execute or studio.exe located in the bin/ directory.
On the first start, you can decide whether to import settings from a previous version. Choose I do not have a previous version if this is your first installation and click OK.
Complete the Setup Wizard. Be sure to pay attention to the page named Emulator Settings, which provides information on how to speed up the Android emulator.
After Android Studio has downloaded the necessary SDK components, it will show a welcome screen.

Extract the Jadex distribution

  • Install Android Studio, following the descriptions from their download page.
  • Extract the You will see two example projects in the extracted directory.
  • Extract It contains a Jadex Android example project, which can be opened in Android Studio.

Import the example project in Android Studio

Open Android Studio. If you see a welcome screen, choose Import project.
If you already have another project opened, choose File -> Open.

Navigate to the folder which contains the extracted the example project and click OK.
If Android Studio asks whether to open the project in a new window, choose New Window, if unsure.
Android Studio should now import the project, download all necessary libraries and build the example project.

Download required SDK Platform

If you get an error like this:

Error: Cause: failed to find target with hash string 'android-21' in: [...]
*Open Android SDK Manager*

Open the SDK Manager by clicking on the provided link inside the error message, click the checkbox next to the SDK Platform with the API Level given in the error message (e.g. choose Android 5.0.1 for API Level 21) and click OK.
The required SDK platform will be downloaded and the project should build sucessfully.

Setting up an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

If you haven't set up an Android Virtual Device at this point, follow this instructions.
Open the AVD manager by clicking on . Click on Create Virtual Device and follow the instructions.
We recommend to choose a device which supports an API Level of 21.
Choosing an x86 ABI will result in a faster emulator, but can only run if hardware emulation is enabled on your system. Read more about this in the Emulator documentation

Run example Project

When successfully imported and built, you can view the project files by activating the Project Tab on the left (). A run configuration will appear in the upper toolbar.
Click on the green arrow on the right of the configuration jadex-android-example-project-gradle to launch the project (). Choose a running device or launch a new emulator as requested.
Once the APK is generated, it will be uploaded onto the AVD and executed.
Proceed to the next chapter to learn about how to create your own Jadex Android Application.